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On Writing and Chaotic Loss
Chaotic loss gets baked into the bones of many creative projects. My writing projects are no exception. From the outset of a new manuscript, I begin with a vision for […]
Why I have a rare ARC of Elantris, Brandon Sanderson’s first novel
How did I end up with a rare ARC of Elantris, Brandon Sanderson’s first book in the Cosmere universe? Sanderson is a juggernaut in science fiction and fantasy. His work […]
I’m on the How Did I Not Know That Podcast!
Conny Lee, host of the How Did I Not Know That? podcast, invited me on her show to talk about being a self-published author, why people choose to self publish […]
Overturning my Internet bullshit
Once upon a time, I thought fan fiction was terrible. In 2024, I wrote a whole novel based on Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Live long enough, and you may outlive your past self’s Internet bullshit.
Writing a Book Series is a Massive Creative Commitment
And it’s a triple lift if you’re an indie author Writing a book series no one asked for may be one of the most massive creative commitments on Earth. And […]
Kirkus profile on Canadian fantasy author E. M. Williams
It’s official. I’ve got a Kirkus profile! Their digital site has published a piece on me and the writing of Chaos Calling: Book I of The Xenthian Cycle. It’s part […]
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